
  •   After more than four years of joint efforts by the government of the Macao Special Administrative Region and the National Space Administration, the "Macau Science 1" satellite was successfully launched on May 21. Currently, all scientific payloads are operating normally, and preliminary analysis of high-quality scientific data shows that the scientific data meets the expected requirements of satellite design. The "Macau Science 1" satellite is composed of two satellites A and B, carrying ten scientific payloads including the VFM vector magnetometer. It is the first international low latitude geomagnetic field and space environment detection satellite, and also the satellite with the highest accuracy in China's geomagnetic field detection. The "Macau Science One" satellite will play an irreplaceable role in major scientific research, national economic needs, Macau's technological development, and Macau's international influence.

International Cooperation

  •   澳門科學衛星項目可以充分發揮澳門自身獨特的區位與制度優勢,深化澳門與內地、國際的全方位合作與交流;通過澳門科學衛星這個橋梁,內地可以在航天領域開展與國際航天領域的深入合作與交流;澳門科學衛星可以提升澳門在國家航天科技對外國際開放中的支撑引領作用。